Publié : 24 octobre 2010

Kerstin ( Suede) et TINDALL de Lasserre

Hello Christine and Jean-Louis,

send some pictures and thoughts to both of you, and a lots of thanks for the fantastic (and sometimes very scary) transhumance. I learned a lot about the amazing caracteur of the merens. And I am very very happy that I have Twist here at home !!! He is just the best there is ! But he and Tindall remindes of each other a lot even though Twist it more playful I think. Everything should be examined and he follows me around all over.

I will put all my pictures on my Picasa webside. But I send an email when I have done that.

I have just sent €200 to your account (have forget earlier) and you will have it next week.

Many wiches of a nice autumn to all of you !!!!!